Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a buzzword in the tech industry for years, and it's now starting to impact the job market. From automated job matching to predictive analytics, AI is changing the way people find jobs. A report conducted by Verified Market Research (2022); the market size value of artificial intelligence is 51.08 billion dollars. In this article, we'll explore how AI is changing the job-finding game and what job seekers can do to stay ahead of the curve. 

What is Artificial Intelligence? 

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that deals with the development of intelligent machines. AI systems can learn, reason, and perceive their environment, much like humans do. These systems can perform tasks that usually require human intelligence, such as speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. 

According to Investopedia (2022),  

“Artificial intelligence is based on the principle that human intelligence can be defined in a way that a machine can easily mimic it and execute tasks, from the simplest to those that are even more complex. The goals of artificial intelligence include mimicking human cognitive activity.” 

is artificial intelligence replacing human beings employee?

How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Job Market? 

Artificial intelligence is transforming the job market in several ways. Here are some of the ways AI is changing the job-finding game: 

Automated Job Matching 

AI algorithms can analyze job seekers' resumes and match them to the most relevant job openings. This technology can save recruiters time and increase the chances of finding the right candidate for the job. It can also help job seekers find jobs that match their skills and experience more easily. 

Artificial Intelligence - Ideal Predictive Analytics 

AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to predict which jobs will be in demand in the future. This technology can help job seekers choose careers that have the most growth potential and are more likely to provide job security. 

artificial intelligence is an ideal data analysis

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants 

The latest statistics show that by 2021, as many as 15 percent of customer service interactions worldwide will be fully powered by AI (Gartner, 2019).  AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can help job seekers with their job search by answering questions, providing feedback, and scheduling interviews. These tools can save job seekers time and make the job search process more efficient. 

Resume Optimization 

AI algorithms can analyze job seekers' resumes and provide feedback on how to optimize them for specific job openings. This technology can help job seekers tailor their resumes to match the requirements of the job, increasing their chances of getting hired. 

How Job Seekers Can Stay Ahead of the Curve? 

According to the most recent artificial intelligence facts and data, 44 percent of companies that use AI indicate a decrease in business costs in areas where AI is used (McKinsey, 2019). When combined with revenue growth by many of these firms, the cost benefits of AI are obvious. 

The aforementioned artificial intelligence statistics demonstrate that the importance of AI in business cannot be overstated. Here are some tips that job seekers should keep in mind to stay ahead of the curve: 

Use Keywords in Your Resume 

Since artificial intelligence algorithms analyze resumes for job matching, it's essential to use relevant keywords in your resume. Use keywords that match the job description and the skills required for the job. 

Develop In-Demand Skills 

AI is changing the job market, and certain skills are becoming more in demand. Job seekers should focus on developing skills that are in high demand, such as data analysis, machine learning, and cybersecurity. 

Network with Industry Professionals 

Networking with industry professionals can help job seekers stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in their field. Attend conferences, join professional organizations, and connect with industry leaders on LinkedIn.


Stay Flexible in Comparing with Artificial Intelligence

The job market is constantly changing, and job seekers need to be flexible and adaptable. Be willing to learn new skills, take on new challenges, and embrace new technologies. 

Read more: 6 Soft Skills to Learn that Will Help Land Your Dream Career | EzyRemit


Artificial intelligence is changing the job-finding game, and job seekers need to adapt to stay ahead of the curve. By using relevant keywords in their resumes, developing in-demand skills, networking with industry professionals, and staying flexible, job seekers can increase their chances of finding the right job. As AI continues to transform the job market, it's essential to keep up with the latest trends and developments to stay competitive in the job market. 

Financial health is a term that is often thrown around in conversations about personal finance. But what exactly does financial health mean?

In this post, we'll provide a deep dive into the definition of financial health as well as how to measure and improve it. 

See more: 9 Simple Tips for Surviving the Cost-of-Living Crisis

What is Financial Health?

Financial health is an individual’s overall financial well-being. It is measured by a combination of factors such as income, savings, debt levels, credit score, and ability to cover expenses. Financial health is important because it affects an individual’s ability to make sound financial decisions and achieve their long-term financial goals.

 what is financial health

Financial health is an essential part of living a secure and comfortable life. Many people struggle with financial issues, but they can take control of their money by establishing smart habits and goals.

Having good financial health requires making smart decisions with money and planning for the future. This includes budgeting, saving, and investing. It also involves reducing debt and using credit responsibly. Ultimately, financial health enables a person to live comfortably and have peace of mind in their financial life.

It is important to strive for financial health in order to have a secure future and prevent financial hardship. This can be done by creating a budget, saving money, reducing debt, and building an emergency fund.

The Importance of Financial Health

There are many reasons why maintaining financial health is so important for individuals and businesses alike. For one, it can help individuals and businesses weather economic downturns. Having a strong financial foundation can help buffer against tough times and make it easier to rebound when the economy improves.

the importance of financial health

Furthermore, financial health can improve quality of life. Those with a healthy financial situation tend to have less stress and more peace of mind. They sleep better at night and feel more confident in their ability to handle life's challenges. 

Finally, good financial health can lead to opportunities for growth and advancement. Individuals and businesses that are financially healthy are in a better position to take advantage of new opportunities as they arise.

In short, there are many good reasons to maintain financial health. Businesses and individuals alike should focus on maintaining a strong financial foundation in order to ensure long-term success.

How to Measure Financial Health

There are a few key indicators that can help you measure your financial status. Here are a few of the most important ones:

  1. Debt-to-Income Ratio: This is a ratio that compares your monthly debt payments to your monthly income. A lower ratio means better financial health, while a higher ratio indicates more financial stress.
  2. Savings Rate: These measures how much of your income you're able to save each month. A higher savings rate is indicative of better financial health.
  3. Credit Score: Your credit score is a number that represents your creditworthiness. A higher credit score means better financial status, while a lower score can make it difficult to get approved for loans and lines of credit.
  4. Emergency Fund: This is money set aside in savings to cover unexpected expenses or an unforeseen loss of income. Having an emergency fund gives you a buffer against financial difficulties and can help improve your overall financial health.
  5. Spending Habits: If you're able to stick to a budget and only spend money on essentials, this is a sign of good financial health. Conversely, if you find yourself frequently overspending or going into debt, this is a sign that you need to improve your financial habits.

However, make note that financial health is not a fixed number. It changes according to an individual's stability, assets, and price of products and services.

How to Improve Financial Health

Financial health is often thought of in terms of net worth or savings, but it encompasses much more. Financial health is a holistic assessment of your overall financial well-being, taking into account factors like income, debts, expenses, and assets.

make budget to improve financial health

There are a few key things you can do to improve your financial health:

A. Have an emergency fund

There are a few different ways you can go about saving for your emergency fund. One option is to set up a separate savings account specifically for this purpose. 

Another option is to create a sinking fund within your overall savings account. This means setting aside specific amounts of money each month until you reach your goal.

Whichever method you choose, make sure you're automatically transferring money into your savings, so you're not tempted to spend it. Review your budget regularly to ensure you're still on track and progressing toward your goal.

B. Invest in yourself

Investing in yourself doesn't have to be expensive – it can be as simple as taking a class or two to brush up on your money management skills.

financial health efficiency - invest in yourself

You can also invest in yourself by spending time on personal development. Read books, take online courses, and attend seminars to help you reach your goals. All these activities will help you become a financially savvy person who can make smart decisions with your finances.

Or, you could start investing in a retirement account to prepare for the future. Whatever you do, make sure you're taking the time to invest in yourself – it will pay off in the long run!

C. Get rid of debt

Assuming you have debt, the first step is to develop a plan to pay it off. There are a couple of different ways to do this, and the method you choose will depend on your overall financial situation.

If you can swing it, one option is to pay off your debt with cash. This means using money from your savings account, investing sell-offs, or even taking on a side hustle to generate extra income. 

Another option is consolidating your debt onto one low-interest loan or credit card. This can help save you money on interest over time and make your monthly payments more manageable. The downside is that if you’re not careful, you could end up in more debt than you were before.

No matter which strategy you choose, it is important to create a plan and stick to it. Make sure you have a solid understanding of your financial situation before making any decisions and always be mindful of the potential risks involved.

D. Stay disciplined with your spending

If you want to be financially healthy, you need to be disciplined with your spending. That means creating a budget and sticking to it. It also means being mindful of your spending patterns and making changes where necessary.

You should avoid impulse purchases and track your spending to ensure that you are not going over your budget. You should also take into account any additional costs, such as taxes and fees when making a purchase. 

Finally, if you find yourself spending too much on unnecessary items, you should try to cut back and put that money towards more important expenses such as bills or savings. It also means being aware of how much debt you're taking on and making sure you can afford to make the payments.

By following these tips, you can take steps to improve your financial health and security.


Achieving a personal financial goal is always challenging, but it is possible. With a few simple steps, such as creating and sticking to a budget and cultivating good credit habits, you can make progress in improving your overall financial health.

By assessing the four components of financial health – liquidity, debt management, savings rate, and investment portfolio – you can get a clear picture of your current situation and identify areas for improvement. Working towards optimizing these components will help ensure that you are in control of your finances now and in the future.

We're going through a severe cost of living crisis. And for those on a fixed income, that means making some difficult choices. Fortunately, there are ways to make the situation more manageable. 

In this article, EzyRemit will share 10 simple tips for living through the cost of living crisis. From changing your lifestyle to knowing what government benefits you’re entitled to, these tips can help ease the financial burden and get you through this tough time.

Also check out: Best Way To Make Money Online 2022

Survive through Cost of Living Crisis - Get Creative with Your Living Location

We are currently in the midst of a cost of living crisis. The cost of housing, healthcare, and education continues to rise while wages remain stagnant. This has created an untenable situation for many families.

Finding an affordable place to live is difficult, especially if you're in a metropolitan area. If you're struggling to find an affordable place to live, get creative with your living situation.

 cost of living crisis tips

One option that has become increasingly popular is moving into a smaller space, such as an apartment or condo. This can be a more affordable option than renting or owning a larger home, and it also requires less upkeep and maintenance.

Another option is to move out of an expensive city or area and into a more rural location where the cost of living is lower. This can be a difficult transition for some, but it can lead to significant savings.

Live Below Your Means

One of the best things you can do to weather the cost of living crisis is to live below your means. This means spending less than you earn and saving the difference. It may sound simple, but it’s not always easy to do.

There are a few things you can do to help you live below your means:

1) Track your spending: Knowing where your money is going is the first step to controlling it. Use a budget or tracking app to get a handle on where your money is going each month.

2) Set a budget: Once you know where your money is going, you can set a budget to ensure you are spending less than you earn. Make sure to include savings in your budget so you can build up an emergency fund.

3) Cut expenses: Take a close look at your spending and see where you can cut back. There's no need to live like a monk, but cutting out unnecessary expenses will allow you to save more money each month.

4) Increase your income: If saving money is difficult, look for ways to increase your income. You may be able to get a better-paying job or start a side hustle to bring in extra cash each month.

Survive through Cost of Living Crisis - Cut Back On Unnecessary Expenses

The cost of living crisis is affecting people all over the world. In order to survive, it is important to cut back on unnecessary expenses.

One way to do this is to create a budget and stick to it. This will help you track your spending and see where you can cut back.

Another way to save money is to live a simpler lifestyle. This means cutting back on luxuries and unnecessary items. Instead, focus on the essentials that you need in order to live comfortably. 

Finally, make sure to take advantage of discounts and deals whenever possible. There are many ways to save money if you are willing to be creative and look for them.

Build Up Your Savings to Survive through Cost of Living Crisis

The cost of living is rising, and it's becoming harder to make ends meet. One way to ease the burden is to build up your savings.

saving for cost of living crisis

Here are some simple tips for doing just that:

1) Make a budget and stick to it. Know where your money is going and how much you can afford to save each month.

2) Set aside money each month to your savings account. Make it automatic if you can so you don't have to think about it.

3) Invest in yourself by taking courses or learning new skills that can help you earn more money.

4) Have an emergency fund for unexpected expenses so you don't have to dip into your savings account for everything.

5) Invest your money wisely so it can grow over time. Research different options and talk to a financial advisor if you need help getting started.

Make A Budget and Stick To It

If you're one of those struggling to make ends meet, it's important to take some proactive steps to manage your finances. 

One of the best things you can do is to create a budget and stick to it. This may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. There are plenty of helpful resources out there to get you started.

 make a budget for cost of living crisis

Once you've created your budget, be sure to track your spending so you can see where your money is going each month. This will help you identify any areas where you may be able to cut back.

If you're struggling to make ends meet, don't be afraid to ask for help. There are many organizations and government programs that can offer assistance with food, housing, and other basic needs.

Take advantage of these tips and resources so you can weather the cost of living crisis and keep your head above water financially.

Find Ways to Make Extra Money

If you're like most people, the cost of living crisis has hit you hard. But there's still hope. There are ways to make extra money that can help you survive and even thrive during these tough times.

One way to make money is to start your own business. This can be something as simple as starting a blog or an online store. If you have a creative talent or skill, there are many ways to monetize it. You can also offer services such as pet sitting, home organization, or yard work.

 extra income for cost of living crisis

There are also many opportunities to make money through side hustles. You can deliver food or groceries, drive for a ride-sharing service, or do odd jobs for people in your community. These are just a few ideas – there are many more ways to earn extra income if you get creative and look for opportunities.

Another way to make extra money is to sell things you no longer need. Have a garage sale, sell items online, or consign them at a local consignment shop. This is a great way to get rid of clutter and make some extra cash at the same time.

The most important thing is to not give up hope. The cost of living crisis may seem insurmountable, but there are ways to ease the financial burden and even come out ahead. With a little effort and creativity, you can find the extra money you need to

Be Mindful Of Your Spending

With the state of the world right now, you're probably feeling the squeeze of the rising cost of living. It's no wonder that so many people are struggling to make ends meet.


One way to ease the financial burden is to be mindful of your spending. Take a close look at your budget and see where you can cut back. Do you really need that morning cup of coffee? Can you buy in bulk to save money on groceries? There are many small changes you can make that will add up over time.

Another tip is to make sure you're getting the most bang for your buck. When it comes to big purchases like appliances or cars, do your research and make sure you're getting a good deal. Don't be afraid to negotiate – sometimes simply asking for a lower price can save you hundreds of dollars.

Finally, don't forget about your long-term goals. Even if it's difficult to save money right now, it's important to think about the future and how you want to be financially stable down the road. By making smart choices today, you can set yourself up for a bright tomorrow.

Do Not Incur New Debt

If you are struggling to make ends meet, the last thing you want to do is incur new debt. Yet, many people do just that when they are cash-strapped and desperate for help.

While it may seem like a good idea to put your expenses on a credit card or take out a loan when you're in a bind, it's actually one of the worst things you can do. That's because, when you're already struggling to pay your bills, adding more debt will only make your situation worse.

Get the Most Out of Your Money Transfer with EzyRemit 

The cost of living has been rising steadily for years and there doesn't seem to be any signs that it'll slow down anytime soon. This puts a strain on families, individuals, and countries all around the world. If you want to support foreign family members that are affected by economic depression, using EzyRemit is an easy way to send money to them in their local currency.

EzyRemit offers a convenient and affordable way to send money abroad. With our low fees and competitive exchange rates, you can save a significant amount of money when compared to traditional banks and money transfer services. With EzyRemit, you can save money on international money transfers, which can help you stretch your budget a little further.

In this cost of living crisis, sending money with EzyRemit is a smart way to save. With our competitive rates and low fees, you can stretch your budget a little further. So why not start today? Send money with EzyRemit and start saving!

Happy New Year from all of us at EzyRemit Worldwide!  

We’re so grateful for all our customers! Thank you for all you’ve done to help us grow this year. Can’t wait to move onward and upward in 2023! May this New Year bring lot of opportunities for us to serve you with greater excellence.  

It’s a new page, a new journey since today! May you and your beloved be healthy, happy, and full of joyfulness. As our tradition, the most attractive promotion of flat fee for this biggest celebration. Starting from 01/01/2023 till 31/01/2022, all transactions from USA, Australia, and New Zealand to Viet Nam will be applied these special fees*: 

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50% fee: $30,001 - $49,999 

Let’s send your love home and celebrate your wonderful time with EzyRemit now:

Contact our customer support team for 24/7 support:

Hotline AU: +61 272 048 448  

Hotline VN: +84 286 268 8488      

Hotline US: +1 (541) 255 1020    

Hotline NZ: +64 98 868 998    

Hotline CA: +1 438 260 3838 

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